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Import data into table

Now we are moving back into the world of Python! Let’s create a new file in the database-practice directory.

Our goal is to create a database table from an existing csv file. Click the link, then right-click the Download button on that page, and click save link as to get the csv we want. Move the csv file to your database-practice directory.

We’re going to use the Pandas library to import our data.

import pandas
import sqlite3

# make the connection
conn = sqlite3.connect('nypldb.db')

# have Pandas read our CSV
df = pandas.read_csv('nypl_items.csv', low_memory=False)

# convert our data into a SQlite table called 'nypl_items'
df.to_sql('nypl_items', conn)

# print a list of every record in  the table
print (pandas.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM nypl_items", conn))

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