Listed below are some suggested resources that can help you dig deeper into Git and GitHub, and support your exploration of their capabilities!
Pro Git: the encyclopedic documentation of Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub.
Version Control with Git: A deeper introduction to version control with Git and Github from software carpentries.
GitHub Training and Guides Videos: The YouTube channel for all GitHub informational videos.
How Digital Humanists Use GitHub: A presentation from Lisa Spiro and Sean Morey-Smith on their study of how Digital Humanists use GitHub.
Get on GitHub: How one Information Studies student got into GitHub, and used its collaborative functions to learn about coding.
Create Your (FREE) Website Using Github and Jekyll: GC Digital Fellow alumnus Keith Miyake’s guide to using GitHub and Jekyll to create free websites.
Building Static Sites with Jekyll & GitHub Pages: Amanda Visconti’s guide to using Jekyll and GitHub Pages to create static sites.
Zenodo You can use this tool to create a stable unique DOI identifier so you can cite content on GitHub!
Markdown for students and academics: An article by Simon Coll on how academics can use Markdown in their writing process.
Markdown for Librarians and Academics: Steven Ovadia’s journal article introduction to academic uses of Markdown.
“Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text Using Pandoc and Markdown.”: Dennis Tenen and Grant Wythoff’s guide to using Markdown and Pandoc in scholarly writing.