
Session on HTML and CSS, markup languages used for creating websites.

View the Project on GitHub dhsouthbend/html-css

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Challenge: Create an Institute Website

For this challenge, practice using the command line. If you need a reminder of which commands to use to create new folders and files, see here.

Using the tags we’ve just reviewed, and two additional ones (see below) begin creating an introductory page for your future Institute.

In your projects folder on your desktop, create a new folder called website. Create a index.html file inside that folder. This will be the homepage or landing page of your site.

Add HTML to your index.html file. This page should include the following:

Think about the order of your content as you assemble the body of your page.

Don’t worry about getting the content just right, as much as using this exercise to review the structure of a webpage, and practice creating a webpage.

Additional Tags

Here are two additional tags that might come in handy in assembling your page:

To make a list:

  <li> item 1 </li>
  <li> item 2 </li>
  <li> item 3 </li>

(This may come in handy when making your menu or navigation bar.)

The HTML above will produce an unordered (bulleted) list. To create an ordered (numbered) list instead, just substitute <ol> and </ol> for <ul> and </ul>.

To make a line break or give space between different elements:


Further challenge

Finished early? Play around with other tags by referring to this HTML cheatsheet.

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