
Introduction to Mapping using QGIS

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Layout: Making a printable and shareable product with QGIS

QGIS is most frequently used as a tool of geospatial data analysis, but it can also be used to create thematic maps that can be shared with a team or with the public. This is what the Layout function is for. Let’s use this tool to create an output map that shows the map we have created. To use it:

New Composer Screen

This is what the page you print will look like. Now you can add elements to it to create your printable map.

Move Content and Lock layers

Adding a title to your layout

Now let’s add the title:

Adding a legend to your layout

A thematic map is not very useful if we do not know what is being represented. This is why the legend is so important:

Move Content and Lock layers

Adding other elements to your layout

Finalized Layout

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